Don’t Let Rain Drown Your Photoshoot Dreams: 5 Tips for Stunning Rainy Season Clicks

June 27, 2024

The monsoon season paints the world in a vibrant new light. Lush greenery, glistening streets, and the pitter-patter of rain create a magical atmosphere perfect for capturing breathtaking photos. But don’t let the downpour dampen your photoshoot spirit! Here at The I2studio, we’re sharing our top 5 tips to turn the rainy season into a backdrop for unforgettable rainy season photography:

Play with Back lighting:

Don’t shy away from back lighting! Raindrops illuminated by streetlights or sunlight peeking through clouds create a mesmerizing, almost ethereal effect. This technique adds depth and drama to your photos, especially for portrait shots.

Embrace the reflections:

Rainy streets transform into shimmering mirrors. Utilize this by incorporating captivating reflections into your photos. Capture couples sharing an umbrella under a neon-lit cityscape or a model lost in thought, reflected in a puddle.

Utilize Clear Umbrellas and Raincoats:

Don’t let bulky umbrellas obstruct your vision or your photos. Opt for clear umbrellas or stylish raincoats that complement the outfit and add a touch of modern flair.

Capture the Motion:

The rainy season offers unique movement opportunities. Freeze raindrops in mid-air using a fast shutter speed or capture the flow of water cascading down an umbrella with a slower shutter speed.

Embrace the Mood:

Rain evokes a range of emotions, from playful joy to a sense of calm contemplation. Choose outfits and locations that complement the mood you want to capture. A couple twirling under an umbrella in a park conveys a different vibe than a lone figure lost in thought under a streetlamp. 
